Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sept 30, 2010

Jimmy is about the same as the last few times that I have posted. Still hanging in there! He tried out a practice wheelchair yesterday and it was awesome. He even drove it for a bit. After the nurses put him back in bed, me and his physical therapist decided to crank up the speed on the wheelchair and see how fast it can go. Oh my goodness, it was scary fast!
We got moved to another room, and it's much bigger. We are in the same area of the building as before, but 3 rooms down (room 460). It's super awesome!

Also, Jimmy has a really awful sore throat that is preventing him
from eating anything. The sad thing is that his appetite is back and he
actually wants to eat! It turns out that he never had pneumonia, and he
definitely doesn't have strep, so the doctors are confused at what is
going on back there. It may be the trach tube, but he's not ready to
have that pulled out yet. They are giving him lozenges, spraying numbing
stuff, and next on the list is to try gargling with lidocaine jelly. I
hope it works!

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