Friday, September 3, 2010

Sept 3, 2010

Jimmy did awesome yesterday. His blood pressure was right around 120/70...a lot of healthy people WISH their blood pressure was that good! His oxygen was taken down to 70% over the course of the day, and last night around 9 or so, it was down to 65%. I slept in his room last night, and when I left this morning at 6:20, it was still at 65%. He's breathing great! He's also wide awake, looking around, making eye contact! He can reply to yes or no questions by shaking his head, I always feel so much better when I ask if he's in pain and she shakes his head "no". Feels so look into his eyes again, and we can kinda have conversations!

Sleeping in chairs sucks! But it feels nice to come home, shower, and update facebook on a nice comfy bed. Will be leaving for the hospital again in just a few minutes!

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