Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sept 1, 2010

Jimmy still looked good when I left he hospital tonight! He is still at 65% oxygen, and his blood is nicely saturated! Whooo hoo! I talked with his nurse about today's chest x-ray, and the bruising in his lungs is starting to clear up a little bit! The collapsed lung looks better, and the pneumothorax (air pocket between the lungs and the chest wall) that formed when his lung collapsed is gone. All good news!

He is a strong guy and he has so much going for him. His age, he doesn't drink much, he doesn't smoke, and he very very rarely gets sick. We had a pretty darn good day today. Keep the thoughts and prayers coming!

Jimmy's surgery is going to have to be pushed back. The neurosurgeon said maybe Friday, but we'll have to wait to see if his lungs improve. Let's hope the surgery is soon!

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