Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sept 4, 2010

Hi everyone, Jimmy is doing so well today! His oxygen was taken down to 50%!!! And he's looking great. They showed me his chest x-rays today and they look so much better! He is still wide awake, and is starting to smile and he has been mouthing words. Today he mouthed "I love you" which was wonderful! He also mouthed "Corey" (his bff). You should have seen Corey strutting around the hospital, so proud that Jimmy asked for him! Today was awesome, we just need to break that fever!

Jimmy is still wide awake, and we can ask him lots of yes-or-no questions. Last night he wanted me to stay with him while he fell asleep. Stood for an hour, in flip flops, at midnight! My feet were all swollen and red from standing still for so long. He kept waking back up, and eventually, he was okay with me going to lie down. I think he saw that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Got some good sleep in the waiting room (you can only sleep in the room if the patient is under 18...whatever). Came back in to check on him this morning, and his oxygen had been taken down to 45%! YES!!! So happy!

Jimmy is still looking awesome! Oxygen still at 45%, and still very awake. He's taking a lot of breaths on his own, hopefully they'll take that tube out of his mouth soon!

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