Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sept 9, 2010

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since the last update! Jimmy is still doing just fine. He is catching up on rest. He was unable to sleep for a couple days before the surgery, so he is pretty exhausted.

We literally JUST found out that we need to move back to Wisconsin to get back into our insurance coverage area. I have talked to a couple of attorneys about this, and there's really nothing we can do about the situation. We can go and be covered, or stay and deal with the bills ourselves (Medicare cannot guarantee that they will pay for all of it). Jimmy's medical bill as of yesterday was $750,000, and thank God our insurance is paying 100% of that. We have no deductible, and no co-pay, so that's a very good thing.

He'll go through rehab in Wisconsin and we'll go from there! We will be on an ultra fancy medical flight and Jimmy will have 3 specialists watching his every breath. This flight is equipped with everything you would find in an ICU. I can fly over with him, and we'll be going straight to UW Hospital. His doctors want to keep him and get him more stabilized for just a couple more days. It's all happening so fast my head is spinning. Jimmy was awake for a while today and I let him know the whole situation. He agreed that this is the best decision we could make at this time, so it made me feel better that he's okay with it.

Wisconsin folks, we'll see you soon! Thanks to all who helped with the house packing, and will be helping with the move tomorrow! The house is 2-story, so we'd ultimately have to move out of it anyway....just going to be moving our stuff into storage, and when Jimmy is going through rehab I can start looking for apartments. And don't worry about me being homeless...Kate Frigo is very nicely going to let me stay with her in her awesome new apartment.

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