Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept 16, 2010

Yesterday was good and not so good (I refuse to say "bad").

The not so good: they pulled his breathing tube out because he was doing very very well, and he had it out for a few hours, but then they had to put it back in again because he got really really really tired from breathing on his own. Normally, we all breathe with 2 sets of muscles, our diaphragm, and other muscles in our ribs. Jimmy's paralysis has limited him to his diaphragm, and just like any muscle, it needs to be worked out to get stronger and stronger.

The good: he has some sensation in his hands and fingers! He could feel me holding his hand! The sensation is like pins and needles he says, but at least he feels something there! Yay!

I have been kicked out of Jimmy's room for the moment because Jimmy is receiving a tracheostomy. The doctors and nurses gave us all the pros and cons before letting Jimmy decide:

The cons: It's ANOTHER procedure, and he would have to be under general anesthesia. It will leave a scar on his neck (he already has two large scars from his neck surgery last week). It could be painful after he wakes up.

The pros: He will have that dang tube out of his mouth. I'll be able to understand him when he mouths his words/sentences. They can add a speaking attachment thingy to the new trach tube to let him talk. Once they evaluate his ability to eat real food, he'll be able to eat while the trach is in. He will be at a lower risk of pneumonia. And the most promising part is that transitioning from a trach tube to breathing on your own is a lot easier than getting extubated to start breathing on your own.

Jimmy refused the trach at first, but when he found out he could be closer to eating real food he changed his mind. Poor guy hasn't had real food in over 3 weeks now!

The trach tube is in, and Jimmy is doing fine. The nurses and his respiratory therapist commented on how smoothly it went. I can totally read his lips now, and it feels really nice! He is experiencing some discomfort, but it should pass soon.

In other news, I found out that there is a place in the hospital that sells Babcock ice cream that is open 24 hours a day. Two scoops for $3! And they take VISA giftcard! YESSSSSS!

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