Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 14, 2010

In madison! This hospital is very swanky! I even have a bed right next to jimmy so I can finally stop sleeping in chairs! He is excited to be here, and he is excited for me to begin the apartment hunt and bring back lots of brochures for him to look at. I'll ask the nurse our address and post it!

Top 10 things about this hospital in no particular order:

1. It's on the UW campus; everyone we know in Madison is right here in town.

2. Hospital is newer and super updated.

3. Everyone here is super friendly, I love his doctors and nurses already.

4. The waiting room has a computer with internet (using it right now), a refrigerator, a vending machine, and a sweet fish tank.

5. The doctors and nurses here are keeping me really informed, I don't feel like i have to chase anyone down and pester them for information.

6. I have a bed in Jimmy's room!!! Best sleep I've had in weeks!

7. They let me use my phone in his room. Makes it easier to keep in contact with everyone and keep the facebook updated.

8. The room has a big window, and there is a ton of natural light! Excited to reduce use of those flickery fluorescent lights.

9. Rehabilitation is here in the hospital so we will not need to be transferred anywhere.

10. And the BEST thing about this hospital is that Jimmy likes it and feels comfortable here.

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