Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept 5, 2010

Jimmy is at 40% oxygen, and they have turned off his sedation completely! His shoulder muscles are very tense, so they have him on a muscle relaxer. He is still doing the majority of his breathing on his own! His arms are still pretty darn strong for laying still for a week and a half. His nurse extends his arms and holds onto his wrists, and he then does a bicep curl and pulls her in. She had me do it so I could see how strong his biceps are and he yanked me so hard I lost my footing. Wasn't expecting that! His right arm is weaker than his left arm, but of course he's going to be getting even stronger when he gets to rehab!

He is also back to his old self! Even though he can only answer yes or no questions by shaking his head, he's still very sarcastic! He rolls his eyes, and is being very sassy.

The two of us had a dance party last night! He wanted his music on, and a song that he really liked came on. All the sudden he starts moving his arms and shoulders. I was about to sprint out the room and get his nurse, but his facial expression looked really calm. Then I asked him, "Are you dancing?" and he shook his head yes. So we had a little dance party for 2 songs, and then he took a nap. The nurses probably thought that we were insane, but mini dance parties are a part of our normal lives at least weekly!

This morning I came in to check on him and he winked at me. Very sassy! ;)

Funniest moment of the day yesterday, "Blink once if you want to listen to Britney Spears" and then he blinks like 20 times really fast. HILARIOUS!

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