Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sept 19, 2010

It's no surprise that all the nurses and respiratory therapists at the hospital love Jimmy. He has been called "the ideal patient", "the perfect patient", "rockstar", and other fantastic things on more than one occasion. He's so motivated to heal, even when his respiratory therapists do really uncomfortable things to him. He wants to breathe just a couple more reps, and tries really hard to improve to improve his breathing stats from the day before. When his physical therapists leave, he rests, and then all the sudden I look up and he's doing more reps of his arm exercises. He is working so hard; he wants to get the heck out of here!

Put engine coolant into the car all by myself! Go me! I went to target and bought the coolant (pre-diluted, anti-freeze already added) and bought a funnel. I was so proud of myself. Kate and I has previously looked at the car manual, opened up the hood, and found the right place to add the coolant. We are very talented ladies! I treated myself to two scoops of ice cream for a job well done.

Jimmy wants me back at work ASAP, so I'm going back tomorrow! I'm hoping that he gets moved to the rehab wing tomorrow while I am at work!

Dangit, his respiratory therapist just walked in and woke him. He JUST fell asleep. I hate the fact that he can never get more than an hour of sleep because folks are always coming in to mess with him. Grrrrrrrr......

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