Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 23, 2010

Jimmy didn't sleep at all on Tuesday night because of all the disruptions involved in hospital stays. Tonight, they brought in the big guns: Trazodone! He's sleeping like a baby, and even fell asleep during his breathing treatment (a very noisy procedure!)

It's SO nice to see him resting! He hardly ever sleeps!

This morning before I left Jimmy said, "Don't forget tonight is The Office and 30 Rock". YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I'm glad he's keeping track of these things because my brain is totally fried!

Okay, so it may be a bit longer than 3-4 weeks... Our planned discharge date is november 16th! Applied for an apartment yesterday and am waiting to hear back. Wheelchair accessible places are hard to find, and are a hot commodity!

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