Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oct 3, 2010

Hi everyone! It's been a couple of days since my last post! Things are going about the same over here. Jimmy still has the sore throat, but an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor came in to look at him. Everything down there looks pretty normal, but they are thinking that it's a viral infection. Looks like we are just going to have to wait it out. They have this numbing medicine that they give him just before he eats to allow him to eat much easier. Today he ate a whole bowl of cream of wheat for breakfast, and a whole little bowl called a "Magic Cup" for lunch (Magic cup= ice cream packed with nutrients and protein). When he first started eating, he'd take like 4 bites of Magic Cup and be totally stuffed. He has come a long way!

They get him into his power wheelchair everyday. They usually do this during the day, so by the time I get here in the evening, he is back in bed. The last time I saw him in the wheelchair was on Wednesday afternoon, the day he got it. Since it's the weekend, I have been with him constantly and could see him and his chair in action. He's SO GOOD at driving it! I am amazed! When I get in that thing, I hit every wall in sight. It's actually much much harder than it looks. He's getting a lot more adventurous and wants to go for walks around the hospital. Today we went and visited the Neuro ICU and got to reunite with our nurses there. They were all so happy to see him! Then we puttered around the lobby and looked at the paintings, the sculptures, and this cool area with a glass ceiling. After that, we laid down in his bed and watched Date Night. It has been a great weekend!

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