Friday, September 24, 2010

Sept 24, 2010

Oh man, that Trazadone makes him sleep like a baby! So awesome! I woke up a couple times last night and peeked over at him, and he was totally out! Thank goodness, he needs all the energy that he can get for rehab. Yesterday he sat all the way up in his wheelchair during the whole rehab session (about 6-7 hours). A couple days ago he could only sit in a wheelchair for about an hour IF the wheelchair was tilted back 30 degrees. He is doing a great job!

Today is September 24th and I can't believe that we have been in the hospital for a whole month now. And with our discharge date planned for Nov 16, we will be in the hospital just shy of two more months. When all of this is done, we'll have spent one-quarter of 2010 in the hospital...but at least he'll be home for theholidays! Thanksgiving and excited! We are missing Halloween though, and I'm sad because we've always done couple's costumes since we were like 17 or 18. Hmmmm, maybe the hospital will let me dress him up anyway... If so, I better start thinking of something good!

Just wanted to say that President Obama is my hero. Jimmy has a lifetime health insurance maximum of $2 million. That sounds like A LOT, but we are close to reaching it. After 3 weeks in the ICU in California and getting neck surgery, we were already at $1 million. Then we had to get on a private flight to Wisconsin. Then we were in the ICU for another week. His rehab is about $3,000 per day, and this doesn't include wheelchair and all the adaptive equipment that we'll need. We'll be in rehab until November 16th.

Thanks to healthcare reform, I'm no longer worried about Jimmy reaching a stupid lifetime maximum! And in 2014 we'll be free to switch insurance companies without worrying about all that "pre-existing condition" BS. Thanks, Obama! You totally saved us from riiiiiiiiidiculous amounts of medical bills.

Even if you aren't a fan of health care reform or Obama in general, you gotta admit, this is pretty freaking awesome!!!

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