Monday, September 13, 2010

Sept 13, 2010

Today is the day! We're flying out this evening. We'll be on a crazy fast jet so our flight time will be only 3 hours! See you later central valley, hello madison!

This is the craziest facebook update I have ever done! I am riding in the front seat of an ambulance on route to the stockton airport! Jimmy is in the back with our flight crew...they are very skilled nurses!!

They gave jimmy some zofran into his IV to prevent nausea. I was like, "can I get some of that?" And they gave me a pill. Anyone who knows me well knows that I get car-sick a lot, and I always feel icky on planes. We are flying to madison on a leer jet, so we will be going ultra fast! They also offered me some anti-anxiety meds, but I want to be alert. They hooked jimmy up with some good stuff so he'll be nice and comfy during the flight. I'll do enough worrying for the both of us!

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