Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug 31, 2010

First, the not-so-good news: Jimmy's lungs are still in pretty bad shape. He's fighting really hard, though! The bruising in the lungs will need time to heal, and then hopefully it will be much easier for him to keep his oxygen saturation up.

Second, the good news: They took him off his final blood pressure medication today! His blood pressure looks great! AND he actually does not have pneumonia! They will keep checking him for pneumonia tomorrow and the next day just to be on the safe side. They were able to turn his oxygen down so that the machine is giving him 80% oxygen instead of 100% oxygen. The air we breathe is like 21% oxygen, so the goal is to get his machine giving him less and less oxygen. He was able to keep his blood saturated while being given 80% oxygen, so that is definitely better.

Although his lungs look pretty bad still, there were a LOT of high fives today. Me, the families, and our nurse are all pretty excited about his progress today!

Jimmy is looking really good right now. Blood pressure still looks great and they were able to lower him to 65% oxygen and he's still keeping the amount of oxygen in his blood looking really good. Yay!

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