Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New video

No names for the fish. We will wait for the tank to finish cycling before we name them. It seems pointless to name them before the tank is properly cycled because they could die during this period of time. For now we just call them Pink, Orange, and Yellow. I think Pink is pregnant. Either that or she's just getting really really fat. We definitely don't have room in the tank for these fish to reproduce, so hopefully they'll just eat the babies. That sounds really mean.

No car. Still waiting on delivery. It's paid for and the paperwork is all done. Literally just needs to be put on a truck and brought to Madison. We are so tired of waiting!

A few posts ago I wrote about Bailey and his fur mites. Everything seems to be going well! His fur is growing back! His vet says his medication does a great job of eliminating Cheyletiella parasitovorax. The cat and dog are also being treated just in case, but they aren't showing any symptoms of having mites. Jimmy and I have no bites, so we are pretty sure that the mites were just on Bailey. I went ahead and went crazy with a carpet/upholstery spray that kills fleas/eggs/larvae/ticks/mites/silverfish/earwigs/and lots of other terrible things that you don't want in your house anyway. It seemed like a good idea. Again, we have no bites so we are pretty sure that only Bailey is gross. I'm keeping a close eye on everyone to make sure that no one starts to lose fur, scratch excessively, sneeze excessively, gets flaky skin, or has little bites. It has made me so paranoid. Everytime I have an itch I'm like "OMG I HAVE MITES" but it's all psycho-somatic. As soon as I sprayed the house and had a shower I stopped freaking out. I'm crazy, I know. Takes me back to the good ol' days living in our apartment at CSUMB. Zorro got fleas at one point and it was so awful. Jimmy and I were covered in flea bites. We ended up treating Zorro, getting all the pets out of the house for a few hours, and setting off a flea bomb in the house. It worked like a charm. I haven't seen a flea on him since then, and that was probably 4 years ago. Hopefully our mite treatment for Bailey will work just as well!

Bailey has been in such a great mood lately. And by great, I mean frisky. See for yourself!

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