Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vet Week

This week was vet week. I decided that everyone will be getting their checkups at the same time so I can just get it over with for the year. Here are the results:

Bailey (Tuesday evening): Has a mite infection. Easy to treat, not too worried about it. The vet said he's "far from skinny" and shouldn't gain anymore weight. She picked him up and said he has a gut. Whoops! He grunted the whole time, which was pretty funny. The vet also showed me how to check his boy bunny parts and keep an eye out for testicular cancer. Wonderful!

Pepper (Wednesday morning): Believe it or not, she is a healthy weight! I have been dreading taking her to the vet because I thought I'd get scolded for her fatness. YES! Anyway, she was a very good girl at the vet. They wished that all kitties could be like her.
-Side note: this vet visit almost didn't happen. She was lounging in bed all morning, and when she saw me grab the crate she disappeared. I looked all over for her and then I finally found her. She had ripped a hole in the cotton mesh that is underneath our box spring. She was literally IN THE BOX SPRING. I had to lure her out with Gravy Lovers' Fancy Feast. She loves her some gravy.

Zorro (Wendesday afternoon): Was super excited for a car ride. And super excited to arrive at the vet office. FLIPPED OUT when he had to step on the scale. He's gained a pound since December. Whoops! FLIPPED OUT when they tried to get an ear temperature. He let them get a rectal temperature, but he screamed at the end when it was over. It was like that one time when I got on the log ride at Six Flags. Completely silent for the drop and didn't start screaming until the ride was over... He must get that from me. Anyway, he nipped at the vet and the vet tech a bunch of times. He was horrible and had to be muzzled. He screamed for the blood draw for his heartworm test, and he yipped when he got his distemper booster. I've never seen him act so terribly and like such a weenie. His teeth are a bit gross, some tartar but no gingivitis. He is not a fan of getting his teeth brushed so he's scheduled for a cleaning in 2 weeks. He'll go under anesthesia and when he wakes up his teeth will be super clean. He had a bit of a slab fracture though and the vet will have to take a closer look when he's under. The tooth might need to be pulled (not that expensive), or he might need to go see a dental specialist for a filling (very expensive).

I love my beasts.

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