Friday, May 6, 2011

It's been a while...

It's been a long time since we have posted a blog. I spent a long time playing catch-up and get all of Jimmy's recovery posts from the facebook group to the blog. When we went through the accident and hospital stay last year we posted everything to facebook, and I'm pretty sure you can't export facebook to blogger. SAD FACE! I just copied and pasted all the posts here, and actually took the time to change all the dates so it doesn't look like I made a billion posts today.

We do have some updates though:
1. At this time, our nursing is paid for! WHOOOOOO!

2. I quit my job and am getting paid to be Jimmy's care giver. Yes, I get paid to spend all day with my favorite person.

3. Jimmy will be going back to law school this Fall, and I will be starting veterinary school. I did the entire application process for vet school in the hospital. So weird to think that we lived in a hospital so long. Jimmy and I will enjoy a nice long summer together before we are both back in school!

4. WE BOUGHT A NEW CAR! It's a 2011 Honda Element! We paid for the car and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation paid for the modifications. It has a fold-out ramp so Jimmy can drive his wheelchair right into it. It's completely paid off and totally ours! It's done being modified, and should be on its way from Michigan this week. We'll be free from our dependence on buses! It's going to be awesome to go wherever we want whenever we want!

5. We got a fish, his name is Noodle and he's super cool!

That might be all, but who knows!

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