Friday, May 27, 2011

RIP Noodle

Noodle, our new betta fish has passed on. We had him for about a month. He was a pretty good boy. Jimmy says I shouldn't be sad because we gave him a huge tank and a really happy life until the day he died. My poor Nood. I miss him already!

I went out today and got 3 glo-fish. They are danios who are genetically modified to express fluorescent proteins. I got one of each color: green, red, and orange. I like them because I'm a geek and I like to think about the process of engineering these fish to glow. I haven't taken a picture yet, but this is what they look like.

I'll post a photo of ours when we decide on some names. It is unusual for us to let any pet go un-named for more than a few hours, but these guys are an exception. We need 3 names that work well together. Here are a few of our options in no particular order:

1. Snap, Crackle, and Pop
2. Ketchup, Mustard, Relish (red, orange, green)
3. Stop, Go, Yield (Red, green, orange)
4. Since they are Danios, we were thinking the names could be famous "Dan" names: Danny Zuko (from Grease),  Dani California (Red Hot Chili Peppers song), Danielle Rousseau (from Lost), Daniel Dae Kim (LOST, Hawaii Five-O), you get the picture.
5. Maybe something video game related?

We'll be thinking of the perfect names this weekend. I'll post whatever we come up with!

And we still have no car. All the paperwork is done and they just need to put it on a delivery truck. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST DO IT ALREADY?!

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