Monday, May 9, 2011

Has our car been delivered yet?

No, it hasn't. I am so excited I can't wait!!!! Will they just put it on the truck and get it here already?! It's coming from's practically next door!

We have been dreaming of our converted Honda Element since September of 2010. When Jimmy was still in rehab we started looking at wheelchair accessible vehicles. I remember the day I found the Honda Element online. I showed everyone, and was so excited to see that we may have more options than just minivans. We are way too young for a minivan, or a "Loser-Cruiser" as my family calls them. I learned to drive in our old green van. It was so unstylish.

Finally we got the Department of Vocational Rehab to pay for the modifications, and we paid for the actual body of the car. It's completely paid for...awesome! So it really needs to get here. I want to stop relying on buses and having to plan our lives out 24 hours in advance. I want to go places with Jimmy and not have to stress about timing, bad bus drivers, etc. This car is going to be the greatest thing ever!!!

Check them out here!

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