Saturday, June 4, 2011

RIP Orange, and Introducing the others!

Our orange glo fish died on Thursday.  I'm not really that sad. He was an idiot. He perpetually liked to swim into the filter and get himself stuck. And he never ate. He would go up to the fish food flakes and then just swim away while the others gladly ate. The others grew and seemed happy, but Orange was super skinny and didn't really swim in a school with the other two. He was a fail fish. Today I replaced him with a long-finned zebra fish. Believe it or not, he is the same species as the glo fish, but he hasn't been genetically modified to glow. Jimmy named him Stripey. Anyway, here are some tank photos of our little fish friends.

Here is a photo of the tank. I used to have a really pretty long plant that reached the surface of the water, but when we got the danios I decided to get a short plant so they wouldn't be so crowded. The beta loved the long plant because he could be lazy and rest in the long leaves. The danios have a lot of energy and like to swim fast circles around this tank. You can see our pink glo fish on the left. We just call her Pink. Or Pinky. I'm not even sure that it's a girl. I just think it's a girl because pink is a girly color. 

Here is a photo of Pink and Stripey. Yellow was being shy behind the plant. They move so quickly this was the best I could do! Right now I have their day-light turned on. 

And here is a nice picture of them with their new moonlight turned on. You are supposed to watch them glow under a black light, but when I shined a black light on them they TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. They also seemed to freak out when it got dark and when we turned out all the lights in the apartment to go to bed. I decided to get online and buy them a moon light. The nice thing about the moon light is that it has a sensor so the blue light only gets turned on when the apartment is dark. Pretty nifty! They glow pretty well under the moon light. You can see Yellow (who glows green) and Pink. They're so pretty!

I love my fishy babies! They are so fun to watch. The cat seemed to lose interest for a while, but while I was introducing Stripey this morning and had the lid off the tank, I caught her reaching in to get at Stripey while he was still floating in the bag from the pet store. Bad kitty! I yelled at her, then she yelled back and walked away. I just love it when she's sassy! :)

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