Saturday, June 18, 2011

Polar Bear Head

Polar Bear Head is one of the many nicknames of our lovely cat, Pepper. Actually, we never call her Pepper.

The name we call her 95% of the time is Beeblur. I know it's weird, so I'll describe how it came about.
It went from Pepper to Peppler to Pebbler to Bebblur to Beeblur. She answers to Beeblur, and she seems to like it. Beeblur has spawned gems like Beeb, Beebs, and Shbeeb.

At one point in time I started calling her Meemaw. Then Meemler, then Meemalah, then Mammy, then Mammily, then Mammily my Family.

We also call her Gummy because she always rubs her cheeks on things, but sometimes she leaves her mouth kinda open and rubs her gums too. I've also thrown in Gumz, Gumita, and Gumlaut (pronounced Goomlout), and Goomer.

I also randomly came up with Mitty. I still sometimes call her Mitty, but that has also evolved into names like: Mitta, Mitts, Mrs. Mitts, Mitty-Moo, Mitty-Mooter, and Muddy.

She also has a weird meow that just sounds like "MEHHHHH!" So after watching one of the seasons of Next Iron Chef, I started calling her Mehta (one of the contestants). I have since graduated from calling her Mehta to the full title of Chef Mehta.

So there you have it. The many nicknames of Pepper Anderson. Oh, and let's not forget "Fat Disgusting Pig Monster" aka FDPM. I won't even bother trying to explain that one, Jimmy came up with it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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