Monday, June 13, 2011

First blog on my iPhone!

I feel so tech savvy! Now that I have this app I will probably blog a lot more often. I don't think that anyone really reads this blog, but one day when Jimmy and I are like 70 we will look back on all these posts and remember our animals, school, work, and how much fun we had!

In Jimmy/Ashley news: we still have no car. They said it would be delivered this week. I am happy to get the car, but the better business bereau will definitely be hearing about Freedom Motors. We have been passed off to 4 different people and we are still waiting on the car. This is ridiculous!

In pet news, Bailey has finally ventured into the living room! It took him from late November until now! He came in and hung out with all of us (but mostly his bff Zorro). Here are some pics:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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