Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Finally! Plane starts boarding in less than 5 minutes. There is a mom with 3 little girls here. The baby is screaming, the middle one is seeing how close she can push her barbie rolly suitcase close to my foot over and over again, and the oldest one keeps yelling at the younger ones just like mom. Not to mention that the mom had a meltdown screaming at the dad on the phone, and then was getting too rough with the baby. Everyone is staring, some people gasped, and one lady just brought the little demons some fruit snacks just to shut them up. They are old enough to say thank you, but they didn't. Mom barely even said thanks, and didn't make them say it. Remember folks, i could have been on the earlier Kalamazoo flight. But it was my fate to end up on a screaming baby flight. I have the worst luck today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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