Friday, August 27, 2010

Aug 27, 2010

Hi guys, thanks for the messages! It is nice to know that we have our friends behind us. Today, Jimmy breathed on his own for an hour and a half! I was so proud of him. They also took him off of one of his blood pressure medications and he remained stable. They are starting to wean him off his final blood pressure medication, and he is still doing great.

I asked the nurses to teach me what all the numbers on his monitors mean, and what is the target number for each thing. I'll bet they regret teaching me, because if something starts to get too low or too high I am in the hallway grabbing whichever nurse is closest so they can check on him.

He had a 5-10 minute procedure done today that placed filters in veins just in case he is forming clots in his legs. He stayed completely stable during the procedure, and the nurses were all super proud of him!

Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers guys. Keep em comin'!

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