Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jimmy's Recovery (copied from the Facebook group)

Hello everyone, thanks for joining the group! I will try to keep it updated as often as possible! Thank you for the calls and texts, and I'm sorry if I haven't been able to get back to everyone. I thought this page would help keep you all notified. Right now, Jimmy is surrounded by my family and Corey's family, and his aunt and uncles are on the way!

He's at Doctor's Medical Center in Modesto, CA on the neurology floor in the ICU. He is able to respond to yes or no questions, and for the time being does not want any visitors in the room beside me. I ask him every few hours if he wants to see anyone, and he says no. The ICU is also for family only, but given his circumstances with the loss of his parents and brother, they are being a bit more lenient with who can come in. Feel free to come down to Doctors between 8AM and 7PM to hang out with my parents in the waiting room, I'll be there from time to time and can update you directly.

Jimmy is awake now, he can open his eyes, and he recognizes our faces. He can shake his head yes or no, and the nurses say that it's fine to ask him questions. Right now, he doesn't want any visitors except for me, but feel free to come hang in the hospital with my family. Doctor's Medical Center, Modesto CA, 3rd floor, neurology. I am in the waiting room from time to time, and I'd love to see anyone who is able to come visit!

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