Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 29, 2010

Hi everyone. Jimmy's left lung collapsed early this morning, but they fixed it, and he's back to where he was yesterday. The lung collapse sucks, but his lungs suffered a lot of bruising, which I've been told is probably because of the seat belts. This is just a setback, and we'll get through it. His lungs had been looking and sounding pretty strong for the last couple days, but a lot of times things get worse before they get better. It's hard to accept that, but it's something that I will work on coping with.

Jimmy and I have a friend who is a really amazing trauma nurse. She cares about Jimmy very much, and she took it upon herself to call me and get my permission to call and his nurses and doctors. She explained a lot of things for me very well, and I really appreciated it! She also recommended that I start keeping a journal and include things like which medications he's on, what that particular medication treats, how much he's getting, how his breathing is doing, etc. It will be nice to keep track of those things for myself. She also gave me a list of questions that I should ask his doctors and nurses every single day, and I will start keeping track of their answers. I'm so happy to have her be able to think of these kinds of things for me. My brain is a wreck, and she helped me get some things on track today. I am so thankful for her!

Today my sister met me at the AT&T store near the hospital. She bought me a Blackberry so that I can have internet access at the hospital. (The hospital does not have wifi). She's added my phone to her account, so she's very nicely paying for not only the phone, but the bill too. Right now, I spend about 1 hour when I wake up and about 1.5-2 hours before I go to sleep to check and respond to e-mails and do facebook updates about Jimmy's recovery. I have only been sleeping about 4 hours per night and it's been really exhausting. She got me the phone so that I can keep people updated during the day, and try to get a bit more sleep at night. The more sleep I get, the stronger I will be for Jimmy!

Once I get this internet-on-the-phone thing figured out, you guys can look forward to daytime updates instead of middle of the night ones! I think that's it for now! I will talk to you guys tomorrow!

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