Thursday, June 30, 2011

New bed is here!

Looks great, and feels great too! Don't believe me? Take Beeblur's word for it:

She rejected couch time with us last night so she could try out the new bed. The pets seem to love it!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New bed tomorrow!

We got a new bed! It will be delivered tomorrow. It is really important to find a mattress that will be great for  Jimmy's skin, and comfortable for his neck. Our current mattress has a really nice pillow top, but it has divots from our body weight! We are both sore when we wake up, and that is no good. We are not getting rid of the old mattress, we are keeping it so that when we move we can have a larger guest bed than what we have now.
We decided to give Tempurpedic a try. We went with the Cloud-Luxe model because it was amazingly soft, but has a lot of support. We'll see how it goes! They were actually running a pretty sweet deal that took $200 off, and they threw in Tempurpedic pillows along with it. So we saved quite a bit of money. Here is what we got:
Awesome mattress!

Adjustable frame! Jimmy is really looking forward to this so that he can finally read in bed. My back is looking forward to this as well!

They threw in two of these pillows. They let me take them home, and we slept on them last night. They warned that Tempurpedic products take a bit of time to break in. We loved them already!

And we also got some new bedding since we changed bed size. We went from California King to regular King. They don't sell California King bedding in stores out here. King beds and bedding are so dang expensive, but we don't really have a choice. Our animals hog the bed! They don't sleep at the foot of the bed where they don't take up space. They wedge up in the middle leaving Jimmy and I on the edges. Sometimes it feels like we need a bed that is even bigger than what we already have!

We are so excited for the new bed! I hope that Jimmy and the pets like the Tempurpedic. I am the one that tested the beds out at the mattress store, so we made the decision based on my descriptions.  I hope I didn't fail!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Super Awesomeness!

Check out the Honda Element in action!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I made it, and I didn't even punch that baby!

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Finally! Plane starts boarding in less than 5 minutes. There is a mom with 3 little girls here. The baby is screaming, the middle one is seeing how close she can push her barbie rolly suitcase close to my foot over and over again, and the oldest one keeps yelling at the younger ones just like mom. Not to mention that the mom had a meltdown screaming at the dad on the phone, and then was getting too rough with the baby. Everyone is staring, some people gasped, and one lady just brought the little demons some fruit snacks just to shut them up. They are old enough to say thank you, but they didn't. Mom barely even said thanks, and didn't make them say it. Remember folks, i could have been on the earlier Kalamazoo flight. But it was my fate to end up on a screaming baby flight. I have the worst luck today.

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Epic American airlines fail

I wad supposed to gave already been through Chicago and in Kalamazoo right now. But no, I'm still at the good ol' Madison airport. Fail fail fail.

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Longest Day Ever

I should have known things wouldn't go according to plan today. Originally I was supposed to get to Kalamazoo by 9:30am, but now that has changed to 1pm. This is terrible! And with all the added steps of getting the car today, I'll be lucky to get on the road by 4. Not cool. American Airlines can go suck an egg.

If I get too tired I'll find a hotel for the night. Good thing Jimmy told me to pack a pair of underwear just in case! :)

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

RIP Gary

Gary is dead. Going to have to go get a new snail from the pet store. I'll probably name it Gary again.
I'm not sad, but Pink, Yellow, Stripey, and Snelly are devastated.

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Father's Day

Happy father's day to all the dads out there. I am so lucky that Jimmy lets me keep so many critters, and am happy that he loves them just as much as I do! He's a great pet-dad! Here are some pet and dad weekend snuggle photos!

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Polar Bear Head

Polar Bear Head is one of the many nicknames of our lovely cat, Pepper. Actually, we never call her Pepper.

The name we call her 95% of the time is Beeblur. I know it's weird, so I'll describe how it came about.
It went from Pepper to Peppler to Pebbler to Bebblur to Beeblur. She answers to Beeblur, and she seems to like it. Beeblur has spawned gems like Beeb, Beebs, and Shbeeb.

At one point in time I started calling her Meemaw. Then Meemler, then Meemalah, then Mammy, then Mammily, then Mammily my Family.

We also call her Gummy because she always rubs her cheeks on things, but sometimes she leaves her mouth kinda open and rubs her gums too. I've also thrown in Gumz, Gumita, and Gumlaut (pronounced Goomlout), and Goomer.

I also randomly came up with Mitty. I still sometimes call her Mitty, but that has also evolved into names like: Mitta, Mitts, Mrs. Mitts, Mitty-Moo, Mitty-Mooter, and Muddy.

She also has a weird meow that just sounds like "MEHHHHH!" So after watching one of the seasons of Next Iron Chef, I started calling her Mehta (one of the contestants). I have since graduated from calling her Mehta to the full title of Chef Mehta.

So there you have it. The many nicknames of Pepper Anderson. Oh, and let's not forget "Fat Disgusting Pig Monster" aka FDPM. I won't even bother trying to explain that one, Jimmy came up with it!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lame cat

The rabbit has been pretty frisky lately. He has actually been chasing the cat around. She usually cries and runs away which is hilarious. I caught them spending some time together in this photo. They were actually laying together, but when I came back with my phone they had moved. So cute!

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Monday, June 13, 2011


We have two new tank friends: Gary and Snelly. Yes, I got the names from Spongebob. I am a completely well adjusted adult. Just thought you should know that.

Gary! He's a naughty one. He hides really well in the rocks.

Snelly! She's pretty active!

Snail bffs.

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More pet pics, as always!

I can't help it. I love them!

Beeblur hates her harness and leash!

Forbidden love.

Bailey loves his hamburger.

Beeblur napping with me.


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First blog on my iPhone!

I feel so tech savvy! Now that I have this app I will probably blog a lot more often. I don't think that anyone really reads this blog, but one day when Jimmy and I are like 70 we will look back on all these posts and remember our animals, school, work, and how much fun we had!

In Jimmy/Ashley news: we still have no car. They said it would be delivered this week. I am happy to get the car, but the better business bereau will definitely be hearing about Freedom Motors. We have been passed off to 4 different people and we are still waiting on the car. This is ridiculous!

In pet news, Bailey has finally ventured into the living room! It took him from late November until now! He came in and hung out with all of us (but mostly his bff Zorro). Here are some pics:

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

RIP Orange, and Introducing the others!

Our orange glo fish died on Thursday.  I'm not really that sad. He was an idiot. He perpetually liked to swim into the filter and get himself stuck. And he never ate. He would go up to the fish food flakes and then just swim away while the others gladly ate. The others grew and seemed happy, but Orange was super skinny and didn't really swim in a school with the other two. He was a fail fish. Today I replaced him with a long-finned zebra fish. Believe it or not, he is the same species as the glo fish, but he hasn't been genetically modified to glow. Jimmy named him Stripey. Anyway, here are some tank photos of our little fish friends.

Here is a photo of the tank. I used to have a really pretty long plant that reached the surface of the water, but when we got the danios I decided to get a short plant so they wouldn't be so crowded. The beta loved the long plant because he could be lazy and rest in the long leaves. The danios have a lot of energy and like to swim fast circles around this tank. You can see our pink glo fish on the left. We just call her Pink. Or Pinky. I'm not even sure that it's a girl. I just think it's a girl because pink is a girly color. 

Here is a photo of Pink and Stripey. Yellow was being shy behind the plant. They move so quickly this was the best I could do! Right now I have their day-light turned on. 

And here is a nice picture of them with their new moonlight turned on. You are supposed to watch them glow under a black light, but when I shined a black light on them they TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. They also seemed to freak out when it got dark and when we turned out all the lights in the apartment to go to bed. I decided to get online and buy them a moon light. The nice thing about the moon light is that it has a sensor so the blue light only gets turned on when the apartment is dark. Pretty nifty! They glow pretty well under the moon light. You can see Yellow (who glows green) and Pink. They're so pretty!

I love my fishy babies! They are so fun to watch. The cat seemed to lose interest for a while, but while I was introducing Stripey this morning and had the lid off the tank, I caught her reaching in to get at Stripey while he was still floating in the bag from the pet store. Bad kitty! I yelled at her, then she yelled back and walked away. I just love it when she's sassy! :)