Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct 8, 2010

Jimmy took another swallow test today and he did pretty well! He is still not allowed to drink thin liquids, but he can have normal food now (with the exception of raw fruits/veggies and nuts). Today when I got to the hospital he had already ordered and nibbled on a burger, fries, and a slice of cheesecake! And for dinner he ate some pizza and lemon meringue pie. You should have seen the smile on his face when his pizza arrived...priceless!

In other news, I went to visit the apartment we will most likely be moving into. The landlord is SUPER sweet, and had the place completely gutted. The last tenants were pretty hard on the place so we are getting: all new carpet, new vinyl flooring, new kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, a new stove, new light fixtures, and they are remodeling the bathroom for us to make it 100% wheelchair accessible. It's going to look ridiculously awesome! She also gave me a whole bunch of ideas on how to use our space well and "make it look really cute". It's in a quiet neighborhood, and there is a community garden that no one uses (that means I can take over it, right?) Such an awesome apartment and it's super duper wheelchair friendly! Yay!

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