Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 15, 2010

Hey everyone! I haven't posted anything new in a while. We've just kinda been hanging out. If anyone wants to visit, please just contact me to set up a time!

Jimmy's arms are getting stronger, and he worked on feeding himself yesterday. He was able to eat some lunch with just a bit of help from his occupational therapist. Yes!

His breathing is also improving so they are going to be putting in a new trach tube called a "Jackson" on Monday. Usually when the Jackson gets put in, it only stays in for a week and then they go ahead and pull everything out and let it heal. It's the last trach tube step, so that's a really good thing!

Next Thursday the College of Engineering is holding a demo of cool adaptive technologies that have built for people with disabilities. Jimmy's physical therapist is going to drive him over, and I will leave work and meet them there. It should be cool! Can't wait to see all the vendors, all their gadgets and doo-dads, and what we can look forward to!

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