Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Quite Winter in Wisconsin

Hey everyone! Sorry we haven't blogged in a while, but we've been really busy lately. It's snowy here in Wisconsin and it's hard to believe that technically, winter hasn't even started yet! Here are some pictures that we took last night when we took Zorro out to potty.

Jimmy tortured himself by not wearing gloves, a hat, or socks underneath his slippers. He was REALLY cold when we got inside.

Right outside our building. It snowed all day and all night! So pretty!

Sorry this picture is blurry. The camera was having problems focusing because of the snow that was falling. This is a pretty pine tree right outside our building.

More trees

The rebar is there to mark where the sidewalk is. As you can see, you cannot tell the difference between sidewalk and grass! 

Mom, dad, and Kenya, I'm not going to be licking a pole anytime soon. I learned my lesson (twice) already. I wanted to taste the snow and I don't trust the snow on the ground so licking a tree sounded like a good idea!

Zorro and his snow beard. He likes to eat the snow too!

I don't really know what's going on here...

Snow is fun, but after slipping and sliding my way to the bus stop this morning, I'm getting over it.

I love these bushes right outside our apartment. They kinda look like cupcakes with frosting!

We'll have to take some daytime pictures soon! Until next time!


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