Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Snow and the Christmas Tree Hunt

So the snow is still falling, and everything in Wisconsin is looking beautiful. We are on a winter storm warning starting tomorrow evening (Monday, the 8th) and ending the next morning. They are warning that we may get 6-12 inches during that time period! That's ALOT of snow...I hope we don't get that much, it would really suck. It takes FOREVER to drive places, and I'm always afraid I will slip and fall when I walk. Here are some pictures that we took in the last couple days.

Here is a picture of Bailey on our balcony. The balcony is completely screened, so he can't fall off or anything. These are the little flakes that were small enough to fit through the screen and cover the ground. Bailey seemed to like the snow! He was out there for a while, and I had to chase him back in because we were letting all the heat out of the apartment.

In Wisconsin, going to a christmas tree lot and picking a tree is lame. A lot of people cut down their own trees here. We found a place that is only about 20 minutes from our apartment, and we went to check it out. It was REALLY similar to the apple orchard in that you walk around and there are rows and rows of trees to look at. 

Here is Jimmy at the tree farm. Those little trees in the background are not ready to be taken yet!

Jimmy and I are dumb, and didn't realize that walking around and finding the perfect tree, cutting it down, and dragging it back to the car would take AT LEAST an hour. We did not wear proper clothing. I wore rain boots (no insulation) and he wore tennis shoes and jeans. WE WERE FREEZING. Seriously, I couldn't feel my feet. But this is a picture of Jimmy inspecting the tree that we eventually decided on.

Here is a picture of me sawing our tree down!

Jimmy dragging the tree back to the car. It was uphill and took forever.

The workers put the tree through a machine that wrapped it up. Here is Jimmy carrying it to the car.

Here is the finished product!


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