Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! We are very excited to be coming home on the 8th!!! 

We're adopting a cat! Jimmy and I have been in contact with a nice lady who has a bunch of foster cats that we can choose from. We will meet them on Saturday! If we find one that we like, she will hold it for us until we get back to Wisconsin. :)

We looked at the cats online, and we found one that we really like. Here are some pictures of her:

We like her because she's got really pretty colors. She's a calico cat (that describes the multiple colors in her coat). Calico cats are the result of some really cool genetics. 

Honestly I just wanted to show pictures of our potential cat. She has a problem with her right eye. The eyeball is in there, but her eyelid doesn't open very well. She kinda looks like she's permanently winking. Since she has this "issue", people are a lot less likely to want her. Jimmy and I are excited to possibly give a home to a weirdo cat that no one else wants. :)

When you look at her, what name comes to mind? Jimmy and I have been thinking of possible names. Here's what we've got so far:

Mercury (like the planet, the element, and Freddie Mercury the lead singer of Queen)
Jelly (because she reminds Jimmy of peanut butter)
Rolls (because she's kinda chubby)
Reese (because her colors are kinda similar to Reeses's pieces)
Hallie (short for Halloween, again because of her colors)
Butters (South Park)

Please let us know if you think of good names!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Vote is for Butters or Jelly. Mmmmm....Peanut Butters and Jelly. I'm going to give you guys a call when you come back so we can meet up! Looking forward to seeing ya...