Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! We are very excited to be coming home on the 8th!!! 

We're adopting a cat! Jimmy and I have been in contact with a nice lady who has a bunch of foster cats that we can choose from. We will meet them on Saturday! If we find one that we like, she will hold it for us until we get back to Wisconsin. :)

We looked at the cats online, and we found one that we really like. Here are some pictures of her:

We like her because she's got really pretty colors. She's a calico cat (that describes the multiple colors in her coat). Calico cats are the result of some really cool genetics. 

Honestly I just wanted to show pictures of our potential cat. She has a problem with her right eye. The eyeball is in there, but her eyelid doesn't open very well. She kinda looks like she's permanently winking. Since she has this "issue", people are a lot less likely to want her. Jimmy and I are excited to possibly give a home to a weirdo cat that no one else wants. :)

When you look at her, what name comes to mind? Jimmy and I have been thinking of possible names. Here's what we've got so far:

Mercury (like the planet, the element, and Freddie Mercury the lead singer of Queen)
Jelly (because she reminds Jimmy of peanut butter)
Rolls (because she's kinda chubby)
Reese (because her colors are kinda similar to Reeses's pieces)
Hallie (short for Halloween, again because of her colors)
Butters (South Park)

Please let us know if you think of good names!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Snow and the Christmas Tree Hunt

So the snow is still falling, and everything in Wisconsin is looking beautiful. We are on a winter storm warning starting tomorrow evening (Monday, the 8th) and ending the next morning. They are warning that we may get 6-12 inches during that time period! That's ALOT of snow...I hope we don't get that much, it would really suck. It takes FOREVER to drive places, and I'm always afraid I will slip and fall when I walk. Here are some pictures that we took in the last couple days.

Here is a picture of Bailey on our balcony. The balcony is completely screened, so he can't fall off or anything. These are the little flakes that were small enough to fit through the screen and cover the ground. Bailey seemed to like the snow! He was out there for a while, and I had to chase him back in because we were letting all the heat out of the apartment.

In Wisconsin, going to a christmas tree lot and picking a tree is lame. A lot of people cut down their own trees here. We found a place that is only about 20 minutes from our apartment, and we went to check it out. It was REALLY similar to the apple orchard in that you walk around and there are rows and rows of trees to look at. 

Here is Jimmy at the tree farm. Those little trees in the background are not ready to be taken yet!

Jimmy and I are dumb, and didn't realize that walking around and finding the perfect tree, cutting it down, and dragging it back to the car would take AT LEAST an hour. We did not wear proper clothing. I wore rain boots (no insulation) and he wore tennis shoes and jeans. WE WERE FREEZING. Seriously, I couldn't feel my feet. But this is a picture of Jimmy inspecting the tree that we eventually decided on.

Here is a picture of me sawing our tree down!

Jimmy dragging the tree back to the car. It was uphill and took forever.

The workers put the tree through a machine that wrapped it up. Here is Jimmy carrying it to the car.

Here is the finished product!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Quite Winter in Wisconsin

Hey everyone! Sorry we haven't blogged in a while, but we've been really busy lately. It's snowy here in Wisconsin and it's hard to believe that technically, winter hasn't even started yet! Here are some pictures that we took last night when we took Zorro out to potty.

Jimmy tortured himself by not wearing gloves, a hat, or socks underneath his slippers. He was REALLY cold when we got inside.

Right outside our building. It snowed all day and all night! So pretty!

Sorry this picture is blurry. The camera was having problems focusing because of the snow that was falling. This is a pretty pine tree right outside our building.

More trees

The rebar is there to mark where the sidewalk is. As you can see, you cannot tell the difference between sidewalk and grass! 

Mom, dad, and Kenya, I'm not going to be licking a pole anytime soon. I learned my lesson (twice) already. I wanted to taste the snow and I don't trust the snow on the ground so licking a tree sounded like a good idea!

Zorro and his snow beard. He likes to eat the snow too!

I don't really know what's going on here...

Snow is fun, but after slipping and sliding my way to the bus stop this morning, I'm getting over it.

I love these bushes right outside our apartment. They kinda look like cupcakes with frosting!

We'll have to take some daytime pictures soon! Until next time!
