Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The House Blog

Finally, I have gotten around to blogging about our house! Here is a picture of our super cute mailbox.

Here is a picture from the outside. The house is a duplex, so there is basically a mirror image of what you see here on the other side of the tree. There is a really nice family that lives there. The father brews his own hot sauce in his basement and he gave us a bottle of it. It was painful just to smell it, so we gave it away to someone who actually enjoys eating food that is spicy enough to make you cry.

When you walk through the front door, you enter the living room.


Another view of the living room, this time looking outside.


Downstairs bathroom, really small, but it gets the job done. Sorry it's sideways, but I'm too lazy to edit the photo and flip it right side up. Just turn your head!


All of you California folks are probably like “what the heck is this?” It’s called a basement, and it’s where we keep all of our junk, our washer and dryer, and where we go if there is a tornado. Here are the stairs leading down to the basement.

Here is another view of the basement. We still have a lot of laundry to do!


Here’s a picture of Jimmy in the kitchen. I cleaned up 3 piles of dog vomit, so he cleaned the kitchen. I hate cleaning the kitchen so it was a fair trade.


Here’s a picture of our pantry.


This is our family room and the new couch! It’s awesome because the two end seats recline, and then the 2 middle seats share an ottoman.  AND, everyone has their own cup-holder! We got a really good deal on this couch; it was on super sale at the furniture store.


Here’s a picture of our backyard. It’s really long and has a lot of plants and trees!


Upstairs bathroom!


Extra bedroom/Jimmy’s Office


My office. The people that lived here before us painted this room yellow. I like it, it makes the room look happier!


The closet in my office has shelves in it. We call this closet “Jimmy’s Law Library” because it’s where we can conveniently keep all of his law books in one place.


Our bedroom, and apparently we needed to do laundry!

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