Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Pet Post

It's been a while since we've put up pet pictures! Here are a few for you to enjoy!

Me laying with my overweight kitten! 

Me, Zorro, and Pepper relaxing on the couch. They keep me nice and warm!

Zorro and Pepper doing their favorite thing: looking outside at the squirrels, rabbits, and birds that come into the backyard!

Jimmy and I bought the pets some custard (ice cream) that is safe for them to eat. 

Zorro and Jimmy playing frisbee in the backyard.

This picture and all the ones below were taken before we moved. Here is a picture of Bailey and Pepper lounging on the Wii Fit.

Here is a picture of Zorro right before I bathed him and cut his hair!

The cat likes to play with soda boxes. 

Pepper is about to pounce on Bailey! 

Pepper playing with the cat tree we built her.

Zorro supervising Pepper on the cat tree.

I think this is my favorite picture of Pepper. Look at that gut!

A picture of all 3! Zorro looks homeless.

Corey Visits

Corey came to visit us from August 4-August 11! Here are some pictures from his visit!
Yay Corey!

Harley Davidson Museum

In front of the Miller High Life Bus at our Brewery Tour

Enjoying free beer at the Miller Brewery tour!

In front of the Wisconsin Capitol

Ummm, can I pet the cows?

Wisconsin State Fair chocolate covered bacon and deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Wisconsin State Fair famous cream puffs!

We fed Corey a LOT of Wisconsin fatty foods. It was a delicious week! We miss you already, Corey!

The House Blog

Finally, I have gotten around to blogging about our house! Here is a picture of our super cute mailbox.

Here is a picture from the outside. The house is a duplex, so there is basically a mirror image of what you see here on the other side of the tree. There is a really nice family that lives there. The father brews his own hot sauce in his basement and he gave us a bottle of it. It was painful just to smell it, so we gave it away to someone who actually enjoys eating food that is spicy enough to make you cry.

When you walk through the front door, you enter the living room.


Another view of the living room, this time looking outside.


Downstairs bathroom, really small, but it gets the job done. Sorry it's sideways, but I'm too lazy to edit the photo and flip it right side up. Just turn your head!


All of you California folks are probably like “what the heck is this?” It’s called a basement, and it’s where we keep all of our junk, our washer and dryer, and where we go if there is a tornado. Here are the stairs leading down to the basement.

Here is another view of the basement. We still have a lot of laundry to do!


Here’s a picture of Jimmy in the kitchen. I cleaned up 3 piles of dog vomit, so he cleaned the kitchen. I hate cleaning the kitchen so it was a fair trade.


Here’s a picture of our pantry.


This is our family room and the new couch! It’s awesome because the two end seats recline, and then the 2 middle seats share an ottoman.  AND, everyone has their own cup-holder! We got a really good deal on this couch; it was on super sale at the furniture store.


Here’s a picture of our backyard. It’s really long and has a lot of plants and trees!


Upstairs bathroom!


Extra bedroom/Jimmy’s Office


My office. The people that lived here before us painted this room yellow. I like it, it makes the room look happier!


The closet in my office has shelves in it. We call this closet “Jimmy’s Law Library” because it’s where we can conveniently keep all of his law books in one place.


Our bedroom, and apparently we needed to do laundry!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Long Time No Blog

After a long hiatus, we are finally back! Let me give you the rundown of the events in my life since I last checked in. I finished my first year of law school in May and I’m so glad it’s done. Two more to go. I had around a month off to pack up for our move to our new place. I started my summer associate job at Michael Best & Friedrich. We moved to our new place. I worked for eight weeks and had an amazing time. Now I have a little over a month off to finish putting together our new place. Corey is coming to visit really soon and we have a whole week of fun planned. Classes start back up in early September and I have interviews for my job next summer at the end of August.

This summer has been focused mainly on doing well at my summer job at Michael Best. The job lasted for eight weeks and was the best place I could have possibly worked. It’s located in downtown Madison right across from the Capitol. I got my own office that overlooked the lake and it even had my name on it! The office as a whole was beautiful as you can see from the pictures below. The best part about working there was the people. They were very down-to Earth and friendly. I feel like I made many good friends there. A few particular attorneys really went out of their way to reach out to Ashley and me. One attorney invited Ashley and I to her neighborhood Fourth of July party. There was food, beer and music which meant I was full, slightly drunk and dancing poorly. All around, a good time. Ashley and I also were able to see another attorney’s band play a few times around Madison. They play stuff that Dad likes to listen to and that Ashley and I can’t dance to but it’s still fun to listen to. I was also able to go to lunch almost everyday with a different attorney and every lunch was an enjoyable outing. The work I did there really cemented the fact that I want to be a lawyer. I did interesting and engaging work in a variety of practice groups including business, litigation, land and resources, environmental, criminal law and employment. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will get the opportunity to return. Here are those pictures!

Entry Way

Walking into the firm

Foyer/Waiting Room

Library Entrance

Waiting Room from Above

Entrance to my Office

My name on my office!

My office (cleaned out)

View from my office

View from boardroom

The firm had several social events all of which were a lot of fun. One of the best events was the softball game in the small field near Miller Park which is where the Milwaukee Brewers play. The summer associates played with the partners against the associates. We won 18 to 8. I had two hits and I scored a run. Ashley and I also got to take a picture with the Chorizo! For those who don’t know, every home game the Brewers have five giant mascot sausages that race around the bases and people all cheer for their favorite! Ashley and I also recently went to our first Brewers game where we got to see the sausage race and Ashley got a sausage race t-shirt.


Go Chorizo!

Our new place is super awesome and Ashley will talk about it more in her post. I think that’s about it. We will post again while Corey is here to update you on his Wisconsin experience. Maybe he can guest author a post on the blog! Hope everyone is doing well and we miss you a lot.