Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pepper is technologically advanced.

Pepper likes to watch TV. She gets on the TV stand and paws at the TV. She watched Serena Williams play in the Australian Open and she was watching the ball fly back and forth.

Pepper likes the computer. When I have my laptop on my lap, she tries to hit the keyboard. She also follows the pointer when I move it around. She paws at the screen and is amazed.

Pepper thinks that she can IM (Instant Message for those of you who didn't know). I was IMing Jimmy just a few minutes ago and he wasn't answering. All the sudden, he replies with "/////////////" and then I said "huh?" and then he said "gggggggggggggggggggggggg (then like 15 lines of ALL SPACES) errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr".

I was scared that Jimmy had a stroke or something. But then, all the sudden, he started talking normally. It turns out that Jimmy had been sitting with the cat on the couch earlier, then decided to go to the gym. While he was gone, Pepper opened up one of the programs on his computer and also started talking to me. She was somehow able to press those buttons AND press Enter to send. 

I think I'm going to show her my phone. Maybe she'll text one of you soon!

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