Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Make an Apple Pie

Hello everyone! This is Ashley, and this blog is going to show you how to make an apple pie!

Step 1: Go to an apple orchard and let your dog see the pumpkins.

Step 2: Find a good apple tree and pick an apple

Step 3: Let your dog inspect the apple

Step 4: Collect lots more apples!

Step 5: Be amazed by apple trees!

Step 6: Find the biggest spider you've ever seen in your life and run away.

Step 7: Roll out the bottom crust. (And yes, your rolling pin has to match your shirt.)

Step 8: Prepare the top crust

Step 9: Jimmy cuts the apples while you make the apple pie goo (not pictured)

Step 10: Put the apples in the bottom crust, add cinnamon-sugary goo, and the top crust on top.

Step 11: Bake

Step 12: Smother with ice cream

Step 13: EAT!!!!

The apple orchard was pretty fun, but there were so many bugs!!! Orange ladybugs bite, and yes, we were both bitten. I never thought I'd be scared of lady bugs, but I am. And just so you know, the pie was delicious!



Anonymous said...

God you two are fatties!!! miss you guys...

btw...i dont have one of the stupid google id's, open id's, and not about to be anonymous


Jimmy and Ashley said...

Haha, miss you too Murda. Come visit...I'll bake you a pie!


Anonymous said...

Mmm..Pie. I'm on a diet, well sort of.. if you consider reducing your alchohol consumption a diet. Miss you guys. Looking forward to more updates.

jessica said...

That pie looks amazing just dont leave jimmy alone with it ya know the whole American pie thing eewww hahahahahahaha i had to make a reference i mean i am dating the shermanator!

miss you guys