Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Past Few Weeks: Ashley

I'd like to start off by having you guys look at this first picture:

Yes, that is Bailey, on the couch. After owning him for over a year, Bailey now knows that we are probably not going to kill him. He's trusting us a lot more and gets on the couch pretty much every day. Now, he allows me to give him kisses!

We found out about this place called Michael's in a newspaper. It was listed in a food column as a restaurant that is dog-friendly. Michael's is famous for their frozen custard (it's like ice cream, but even smoother & creamier), and they even make a custard that dogs can eat. We decided to buy 2 pints of custard for us, and a small dish of the dog custard for Zorro. Here are some pictures of Zorro enjoying his yummy treat.

I've been working in the lab for over a month now, and I'm still really enjoying it. Here is a picture of part of the lab. There is a lot more than this, but I only took pictures of my area.

Here is a close-up of my bench. I cleaned up a bit before I took this picture, so please do not fall under the impression that this is what it looks like all the time. This is VERY organized for me.

Here are some pictures from the Olbrich Botanical Gardens. There is a butterfly exhibit going on right now, so it was really cool.

I guess that's it for now. Bailey loves us, Zorro ate custard, I'm still working in the lab, and we saw some butterflies. Yup, that's it.



jessica said...

OH it is so good to hear from you and see that you are doing great. So it took the bunny a year of humping and dominating zorro to realize it is time to move on to you and jimmy eh? I can not wait to come see you guys hopefully sooner rather than later! I will just be a bloggin maniac for the next couple of months commenting on your guys and nicks blogs :)

Anonymous said...

The rabbit is finally getting braver. He is as dumb as ever though. We are excited to see you guys too! At the latest, plan on an Xmas time visit. Where is Nick off to?

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...Custard..Wisconsin seems kinda cheesy. (Lame joke) Anyways, glad to see that you guys are settled in alright. I bet everyone is on
Brett Farve watch everyday; probably dominates the news every night. Nice lab space, looks nicer than the one I've been using at CSUMB. Tell Zorro I said Hi. I'm going to start a blog too. Hmmm... Today I walked to the mailbox...but nobody sent me anything...Maybe not.

Anonymous said...

B Favre rules the airwaves here. I think they sometimes confuse him for the messiah. I'll take a picture of the front page of the paper sometime. Wisconsin cheese rules so hard it hurts...and by hurts I mean hurts my waistline. I'm pumped for your mailbox blog, should be exciting stuff. Oh snap! Junk mail!

jessica said...

i had to....

Traveling Nick said...

I wish my life was filled with eating yummy creamy smooth custards, playing with exotic creatures, and bouncing through botanical gardens while playing with butterflies just to waste the day away. It sounds rough over there.