Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Past Few Weeks: Jimmy

Hey everyone! Let me start by saying I miss you all and I am excited for your visits! Ashley and I have been really busy the past few weeks but I finally have some time to write a bit.

First, here is the view from my half cubicle...

It's not much but it's what pays the bills. Well actually Ashley officially makes more money than me so I just supplement her income. If she were a real sugar momma I would be at home tearing up GTA 4 but I guess I still love the girl. The work is easy but a bit mind numbing. I'm happy it's only for a few more weeks.
I work about a block from the Captiol. It's a beautiful building and was designed by the same guy who did the White House in DC.

I hope that my future office is in the little topper piece under the statue.

The whole downtown area is great. Lots to do, lots to see. Every weekend there seems to be something going on. Last weekend, Ashley and I went to the Maxwell Street Days sale on State Street. All the businesses put their merchandise on State Street at really reduced prices. Here is a view of State Street with the Capitol in the background.

State Street dead ends into the University almost next to my law school. Ashley and I walked up to the lake next to campus known as the Union Terrace. They show movies or have music every night during the summer and the Student Union serves delicious beer at low prices. It makes for a great time. This is a picture of the Red Gym, a staple of the University of Wisconsin which is right up on the lake.

Here is a view of the lake. It's a beautiful lake and only one of many. The water is slowly receding after all of the storms which might I add are pretty awesome. Tons of lightning and the water really comes down.

I just received my law school schedule! My classes are not too early in the morning and end at a pretty decent time. I am taking Torts, Civil Procedure, Intro to Criminal Law, Contracts and Legal Reasoning and Writing. Here are some pictures of the law school and Bascom Hill, where the law school is located.
This weekend Ashley and I went to the Olbrich Gardens. During the months of July and August, they breed butterflies in their gardens. Here are a couple pictures and I'm sure Ashley will post more.
That's about it for now. I hope everyone is doing well and try to keep in touch.


jessica said...

Ok jimmerz your gym looks like a castle and i am sure that if you are not careful COOLAID is going to burst through those walls yelling oh yeah Jimmy i found you oh yeah! But seriously it looks amazing there (well except for you partial cubical) (i didnt even know there was a thing as a partial cubical?) anywho i miss you guys something terrible so keep up the bloggin!

Anonymous said...

The school is pretty awesome. My partial cubicle is not. But only a few more weeks and I'm done and it's on to law school. We'll keep blogging and you keep commenting. And if you ever see Kool-Aid again, trip him.