Thursday, July 10, 2008

First Blog: Ashley

Before Jimmy and I start telling you all about our life here in Wisconsin, I think I should let you all know that we had a loss in the family.

Smoochy was a good fish. He goes WAY back to the days in the dorms, so he was pretty much Methuselah: the betta edition. He was getting so old that he could barely swim. He died on July 4th...

I like to think that we gave him a good life. At the pet store, they put bettas in those tiny cups of random blue water. Smoochy had 1.5 gallons of space decked out with only the finest Spongebob ceramic decorations. And he had an air pump.

I remember that I was making dinner and I looked at Smoochy's tank and he was lying down in his usual spot. Then, before bed, I looked at him and he wasn't in that same spot. He had actually swam over to his ceramic Patrick, and died in Patrick's arms. I'm not gonna lie, I laughed at that. He loved his Patrick I guess.

We'll blog something happier soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! Spruce up that Cubicle! Maybe a sexy fireman calender? How about dogs dressed up like people? Those are solid choices. I like the pictures of the Gym. Looks like a castle. Talk to you soon!