Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last day in Chicago

It's sad to leave, but I was so excited to get home. Before we left we went to millennium park to see the Cloud's Gate sculpture (aka The Bean).

Then we made a chubby pit stop before getting on the road. We went to Ann Sather to get the famous cinnamon rolls which were highlighted on the food network. They were more fantastic than I could have imagined them to be. Absolutely perfect! We got 6 cinnamon rolls to-go!

I hope we plan another trip back to Chicago next summer or even sooner! At least to get more of these cinnamon rolls!

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Shanghai Terrace, Ovo

Last night we ate at the hotel in their asian restaurant. It was delicious!!!

Pork spare rib appetizer:

Wagyu beef fried rice served in a pineapple:

Beef short ribs and Kung pao chicken

Yummy yummy yummy!

The we went to see Cirque du Soleil's new show, Ovo! It was awesome!

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Saturday, July 30, 2011


And it feels so good!

A little something for me from Tiffany & Co.

Looking at ridiculously expensive cars at the Bentley/Lamborghini dealership:

Room service for Zorro. A burger with a nice bread bun from their pet menu! He ate it so fast he didn't even have time to savor it!

He also tried to eat the orchid.

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Willis Tower Skydeck

Formerly known as the Sears Tower. Formerly the tallest building in the world. Taller than the Empire State Building!

The skydeck is on the 103rd floor. The ride up the elevator was super fast! The ride down was just as fast, but made me feel pretty sick.

Looking down 103 floors was so scary, but i'm glad we did it!

The view:

Looking down:

Another down shot:

We purchased the photo that they took. It came out great!

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Breakfast at Yolk! So good! Jimmy got cinnamon roll French toast. Yes, they slice up a cinnamon roll, batter the slices, then fry them. So so so good!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Zorro's new friends

We got him a stuffed beluga whale from the aquarium. He has been dragging it around everywhere!

There are lots of horse-drawn carriages around here. Zorro is very confused by horses. He grumbles, but wants to try to get closer. Maybe he thinks they are just very very big dogs?

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Chocolate buffet

The Peninsula Hotel has a chocolate buffet on Friday and Saturday night. We went and had a great time! It was definitely an experience; however, I'm not quite sure that I'd do it again. It was so good that I couldn't stop myself from eating. I ended up with a tummy ache because I literally ate a full meal of chocolate desserts.

Memorable quotes of the night:
"Leave me alone, I'm eating!" and "Leave me alone, I feel sick!" and "I think I'm dying."

"I'm ashamed of myself..."

You know a meal is good when you feel ashamed of yourself for eating so much. You know a meal is great when take a few more bites even after you acknowledge your own shame.

We went to Hot Doug's and had 3 hot dogs each. The fries were cooked in rendered duck fat. Delicious! (and worth the hour long wait in a line wrapped around the side of the building)

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Shedd aquarium

Jellyfish exhibit!

Jimmy and penguins

Jelly hanging on for dear life with one tentacle!

Jimmy and Chicago!

Jimmy with the walleyes. Mmmmmm walleye sandwiches with coleslaw...get in my belly!

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City Pup

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Zorro loves hotels

It is super stormy! Good thing we already took Zorro for a poo before bed! He is having a lot of fun at the hotel. He has his choice of armchairs, sofa, the bed, chaise, and his own personal bed that the hotel brought up for him. I have seen him sitting everywhere, but I think he favors the chaise.

Stormy weather, watching tv, and relaxing!

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Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder Co.

Pizza pot pies as seen on Food Network's 'Best Thing I Ever Ate'

They are delicious!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

The eve of the best week ever.

Technically, it's Monday so the best week ever has already begun. It's 1:40AM and I am blogging via iPhone from the comfort of our bed. Jimmy is beside me, snoring very loudly I might add. Jimmy and Beeblur on my left, Zorro on my right. Mommy sandwich to kick off the best week ever... I love it!
Monday: Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for Madison restaurant week.
Wednesday: Nau-ti-gals for restaurant week.
Thursday: leave for Chicago! Dinner at a pizza place featured on Food Network's Best Thing I Ever Ate, then ice cream at a place also featured on food network.
Friday: Shedd aquarium, delish lunch and dinner plans, followed by a chocolate buffet at the hotel. (did I mention that we are staying at The Peninsula!?!)
Saturday: museum day, millennium park so Zorro can see the bean (i've told him about it and he's very excited), picnic at millennium park with the boys, delish dinner plans, and cirque du soleil's 'Ovo'.
Sunday: come home, but on the way, pick up cinnamon rolls from Ann Sather, also featured on Best Thing I Ever Ate.
Monday: Daniel Tosh's show in Madison!!!

So excited for the next 7 days. Fabulous food and lots of fun await us!!!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bailey is potty trained!

Bailey Bunnyface is potty trained! After living with us for 4 years and having the ability to go potty anywhere in his old cage, he is committed to using his litterbox in his new cage. No, I didn't have to do anything. He just naturally did it. But that doesn't make me any less proud! My bun is so awesome!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bunny Condo AKA Bundo

We got Bailey a new cage! We ordered it from Leith Petworks. It's just a tad bigger than what he has now, but it's two stories! So he has double the space. Not to mention that he spends the majority of his time running free around the house. It's a super awesome  cage  condo and he loves it!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Congrats to two of my zebrafish. There are eggs all over the tank. And I found a few babies that look to be around 33-48 hours old. Wonderful.  I really really really don't want to have to deal with tons of babies. I hope the fish eat them as they hatch! Sounds mean, but I don't want to catch them and flush them.

And today we went out and got a new Snelly (she died a week or so ago), and we got two of these lovely little guys:
Ghost shrimp! Pretty cute, and only 33 cents each!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I think I see a trend here...

We are getting ditched for the new bed! Instead of keeping Jimmy and I company, Zorro was relaxing in bed alone. Weird.

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