Friday, November 26, 2010

Nov 26, 2010

Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Jimmy has been out for over a week now! It feels so so good to have him home. Here is a quick run-down of how everything went. You all know how I love to make lists!

1. First night was a disaster. No exaggeration. Disaster. We hit a major speed-bump and had to call the hospital and ask for help. A nurses's assistant from the hospital was nice enough to come over our house at midnight after her shift ended to help us out. Since then, everything has been going ridiculously smooth! It has been great!

2. Nick and Jessica came to visit us! It was great having them with us for 5 whole days and we miss them already! Familiar faces made this unfamiliar apartment really feel like home. Not to mention that they cooked us wonderful meals and took charge of a lot of errands! Jimmy and I are both so thankful to have such fantastic friends!

3. All our pets are back under one roof! We started out with the cat, then the bunny, then finally the dog. Seeing the pets crawl onto Jimmy's lap and lay with them is sooo cute. He loves that they don't treat him any differently after his accident. They don't stare or get uncomfortable like many people do. They just want to snuggle him as usual.

4. Thanksgiving! I think it's obvious what I am thankful for this year. I get more time with my best friend in the whole world, I really can't ask for anything more than that! He made it, he's happy, and we're slowly getting back to normal.
Hopefully everyone is having a great holiday!

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