Friday, July 2, 2010

Weather Video

The weather in Wisconsin is crazy. One day it will be perfectly sunny, and the next day we'll have a huge storm. Sometimes huge storms and sunshine happen in the same day, only hours apart! It's insane! Rain so hard it sounds like your roof may cave in, thunder so loud it shakes the house, lightning so bright it hurts your eyes, and we FINALLY heard the sirens outside of their monthly scheduled tests. All the snow in the winter and so many stormy days in the summer make us really thankful when the sun is out! However, sunny days can also be extremely humid (like 80-90%; it literally feels like you are stuck in a hot, steamy bathroom). Humidity is more miserable than storms, in my opinion.

Oh, and the mosquitoes. They are SO BIG out here! You can feel them stab into you, and it HURTS. And they don't really care how much bug repellent you put on... :(

Enough complaints, time for a video!

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