Sunday, November 1, 2009


Halloween is a day for eating sweets ALL DAY and not feeling bad about it. I also think this applies to the day before Halloween. I made cupcakes and brought them to work on the 30th. Here they are!
They were filled with pistachio pudding so that there was green goo on the inside!

Check out the monster feet cupcake holders! Thanks to Jessica for buying these for me a while back!

My work costume. It was fun to dress up and do lab work. I felt like a mad scientist!

Jimmy and I carved pumpkins on the night of the 30th.

Jimmy's pumpkin!

Jimmy's cyclops pumpkin, and my cannibal pumpkin!

At the hockey game on Halloween night.

Cookie Monster and the cookie!

After the hockey game we decided to go home and watch a zombie movie. We ate rice crispy treats and captain crunch treats, watched some Food Network, and then went to sleep!

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