Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall is here!

Fall is here and it's getting really cold already! In 2 days, the high will be 48 degrees! We have used our fireplace 3 times already, and it's awesome!

Here are some of our Fall photos:

Bailey giving Zorro a nice bath. (See Bailey's cooties on his back? The fur is FINALLY starting to grow back).

Me and Zorro relaxing on the couch. He keeps me warm!

Me and Pepper napping.

Pepper in her Halloween costume. All 3 pets have a pumpkin costume, by Halloween I'll get pictures of Zorro and hopefully Bailey too!

Okay, this cat is the worst cat ever. She always gets up on the counter or the oven and pushes down whatever we leave up there so that she and the dog can eat it.

Cases in point:
-We accidentally left out a pizza box one night and when we woke up, the two of them had devoured 3 large slices of cheese pizza.
-The same thing happened with a milkshake a while ago.
-We had literally JUST finished eating McDonalds and were sitting on the floor close to the fireplace. She got on the couch, knocked over the McDonalds bag, pulled out a fry box that had a few fries left and proceeded to eat the french fries RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. Zorro ate a couple, but the cat definitely did the dirty work and ate the most. They had no shame.
-We purposely left out an empty pizza box 2 nights in a row and both nights she knocked them down (she thinks we didn't learn our lesson the first time).

That's all for now!

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