Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cold Weather Cuddles

I love my animals because they like to cuddle with me.

Zorro keeping me super warm!

Pepper fell asleep holding my leg!

Jimmy took this picture today while I was still in lab. They are so cute!!!

Pumpkins and Leaves!!!

We went to buy pumpkins last weekend!

Jimmy at the Brennan's pumpkin patch. It took us at least half an hour to pick out 4 pumpkins. We're serious about it!

Me and Zorro at the Appleberry Farms pumpkin patch. They didn't have a very good selection... Hey Mom, check out his Christmas vest from 2 years ago! He likes to wear it!

Check out the Fall colors!!!

Pretty red!!!

A view of our street.

More beautiful leaves.

Jimmy is a good photographer!

So pretty!

Our tree stayed green for the longest time. Jimmy and I were starting to get really mad because all the other trees were turning yellow and orange and ours was still green. Then one day, we looked and the whole tree was yellow! So exciting!!!

We finally found it!

So Jimmy and I have begun many quests since we moved to Madison:
1. To find a place that we BOTH love for breakfast
2. To find DECENT Mexican food

#2 is not going so well; I don't think that good Mexican food exists here in Madison. One restaurant will have great beans, but terrible rice. Or terrible carne asada. Or terrible chips and salsa. One day, we will find a great restaurant, but we've tried at least 10 places and they all suck (in my opinion).

Even though our Mexican food quest has so far been unsuccessful, we have finally found a GREAT breakfast restaurant. Madison has a lot of good places for breakfast; Jimmy and I could just never agree on one.

The first place we went to has the most amazing bacon I've ever had. It's super thick, and cooked perfectly! However, the pancakes taste like cat food. It's really weird. We both got sick of this place.

The second place we went to had cheesy grits (SOOOOOO GOOD!!!) but everything else is incredibly greasy, and Jimmy hates it.

The third place we went to makes great blueberry pancakes, and Jimmy really loves their scrambles. I did not care for the scrambles too much so we don't go there either.

When we moved, we found a new place that is right around the corner. We decided to give it a try. It's the most amazing restaurant ever!!!! They have tons of different kinds of pancakes including their infamous BACON PANCAKES! Huge chunks of bacon are put right into the pancake batter, and then you cover the whole stack with syrup and it's delicious. Here are some pictures that we took at our most recent visit:
The last bit of Jimmy's blueberry pancakes. YUMMMMMM

Jimmy's baked omelet! With lots of ketchup!

My sausage patties and eggs..... that sausage is so delicious!

And my favorite: Strawberry pancakes with a TON of homemade whipped cream.

Just thought I'd share these pictures with you guys. You have no idea how nice it feels to find a place that we can both agree on for breakfast!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Decorations!

We put up Halloween decorations! We have lots of decorations all over the house, but we put most of our energy into the mantle and the front yard. Check it out:

Mantle in the day time.

Mantle at night!

Front yard during the day. You definitely can't see very much...

Front yard at night! We put up pumpkin stakes along the walkway, plastic ghosts in the bush, orange lights around the window and post, lights that say "Happy Halloween" and fake cobwebs in the front window, and an orange bulb for our porch light!

Another fun thing that we did is replace one of our living room lights with a black light so that it looks spooky in the house for trick-or-treaters!

We were so excited about decorating that we started the first weekend in October....our neighbor's kids loved it though! They were really excited that we had put up a bunch of stuff. We've already been cruising Target looking at which Christmas lights we're going to buy. We're pretty much decided, but it took about 3-4 separate Target visits to decide. I think we're going to go with a red and white theme, and wrap the post like a candy cane. I'm so excited for Christmas already!!!

Fall is the time for Bailey to be hideous...

Jimmy took Bailey to the vet on Friday and it was determined that he does not have fur mites. Bunnies have really sensitive skin, and if they scratch themselves too hard, some of the hair may fall out around the scratch. The vet that we took him to specializes in small animals and rodents, and Jimmy said that she was really good. She took his ear temperature, weighed him, picked him up and felt his belly, felt his boy parts (ewww), and said that he is one of the healthiest bunnies that she has ever seen. She also commented that he's very whiny and gets frustrated easily (he must get that from me). But then she also called him a good-looking boy; makes me proud! The first vet that we went to did not do that kind of stuff! She just kinda looked at him...didn't even take his temperature or pick him up or anything! We're definitely going to stay with the new lady and get Zorro and Pepper registered there too!

Anyway, Bailey's fur is growing back, but the weird thing is that it is growing back so dark! Here is a recap of Bailey's weird fur patterns:
Baby Bailey! This is probably a week after we first got him. Look at his beautiful honey brown fur!

And then we started to notice that his face was getting a little bit darker.

And then we moved to Wisconsin and he went through his first big shed. Notice how in this picture his head hair has patches of different colors and different lengths. Also notice the fact that it looks like he's wearing a skirt! All the light colored fur on his thighs eventually fell off. Then he looked uniform and beautiful again!

So here is a new picture of Bailey's dark bald spot. It looks like the fur that is about to come in is going to be as dark as his face.

The gross thing about a shedding bunny is that the fur is so thick that the dead stuff gets held in place by the living stuff. So if you very gently pull on a chunk of Bailey's fur, you will likely pull out a big chunk of dead hair. Gross! So in order to prevent Bailey from getting hairballs by grooming himself, Jimmy and I have been trying to gently pull on his fur (that we can tell is dead; it gets kinda light and just looks different) to pull out all the dead stuff so that he doesn't eat it. This is a picture of Jimmy giving Bailey a nice combing, and as you can see the paper towel already has quite a bit of fur in it!

A picture of me manually pulling out chunks of fur. This doesn't hurt him, I promise!

The finished product! Keep in mind that we did this yesterday and the day before. Each day, about this much has come out!

So here is the most recent picture! I'm not even going to bother pointing out all the weird irregularities because there are too many. He's not very pretty right now, but soon he will be done shedding and he'll look great again!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall is here!

Fall is here and it's getting really cold already! In 2 days, the high will be 48 degrees! We have used our fireplace 3 times already, and it's awesome!

Here are some of our Fall photos:

Bailey giving Zorro a nice bath. (See Bailey's cooties on his back? The fur is FINALLY starting to grow back).

Me and Zorro relaxing on the couch. He keeps me warm!

Me and Pepper napping.

Pepper in her Halloween costume. All 3 pets have a pumpkin costume, by Halloween I'll get pictures of Zorro and hopefully Bailey too!

Okay, this cat is the worst cat ever. She always gets up on the counter or the oven and pushes down whatever we leave up there so that she and the dog can eat it.

Cases in point:
-We accidentally left out a pizza box one night and when we woke up, the two of them had devoured 3 large slices of cheese pizza.
-The same thing happened with a milkshake a while ago.
-We had literally JUST finished eating McDonalds and were sitting on the floor close to the fireplace. She got on the couch, knocked over the McDonalds bag, pulled out a fry box that had a few fries left and proceeded to eat the french fries RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. Zorro ate a couple, but the cat definitely did the dirty work and ate the most. They had no shame.
-We purposely left out an empty pizza box 2 nights in a row and both nights she knocked them down (she thinks we didn't learn our lesson the first time).

That's all for now!