Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Miscellaneous Blog

Hey everyone! Sorry it has taken us so long to write a blog. Since this blog is long overdue, it has a lot of pictures and is kind of random! Sorry about that! Here goes:

Jimmy and I didn't really feel like going out on a Valentine's Day date, so we decided to spend a nice weekend inside building something together. We made a cat tree for Pepper! Unfortunately, she hates it and does not use it whatsoever. 

The pets and some hats.

Pepper likes to drink from Zorro's dish. He's pretty okay with it. 

Pathetic excuse for an Easter bunny. 

The 3 of them in the same frame! It has been impossible to get them all to stay still until now!

I made a diaper cake for a friend's baby shower. Here is the bottom level of rolled up diapers with a 4 ounce bottle in the center.

Another tier of diapers and another bottle.

All 3 tiers, some ribbons, mini-size baby products, baby towels, mittens, and socks!

The finished product at the baby shower!

I gave a poster session for my fellowship! Most of that data is not mine, but someone else's from our lab. The bottom right hand stuff is mine. I have to give a poster session every year (probably at least twice a year from now on), so it will be nice to see how my poster slowly evolves into having more and more of my data.

Mom, this hair straightener is great! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

That's all for now!

Ash, Jim, Z, B, and P

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