Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pepper is here!

We picked Pepper up on Saturday morning. I had an allergic reaction to either her or the dust from her kitty litter. My left eye swelled up and was all lumpy with hives. Nothing major! It all went away with ice, I brought some allergy pills, and I haven't had any troubles since then.

Pepper is super awesome. She's okay with getting her paws touched and she rolls over for belly rubs. She has a little cold right now, so her eyes are kind of drippy and she's sneezing. She's probably allergic to me. She's using her litter box like a pro, and she likes to meow back and forth with me. She is totally okay with laying next to Zorro, but she is kind of scared of Bailey. I have no idea why. Yesterday, she saw Bailey and ran into the bathroom. 

Here are some pictures:

Jimmy, Pepper, and Zorro.

I only posted this picture because Zorro looks like an idiot. PS: Check out Pepper's purple nails! We bought these little plastic claw covers that you glue onto their claws. Keeps the furniture from getting ruined, and keeps us all from getting scratched. 

This one is my favorite!

Zorro, Pepper, and me

Thanks for reading!
Ashley and Jimmy

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cat Update!

We visited the cat that we mentioned in the previous blog. She just wouldn't have made a good fit for our little family. She was way to skittish...She would have been terrified of Zorro. She didn't like to be picked up, held, or petted. Instead of adopting her, we're sponsoring her. That means we'll send $10 to her foster mom every month to help with the cost of food and kitty litter.We feel bad not bringing her home to get the type of love that she deserves, but honestly, she would hate Zorro, and that's not fair either.  Hopefully she'll find a home soon! 

We played with SO MANY cats today. Crazy hyper cats, cats that love to play, cats that want to hide in the corner, and cats that just LOVE to snuggle. In the end, we went with the one that loves to snuggle. It will take her some time to get used to Zorro, but when she does, I'm sure that they will spend lots of time laying together on the couch. She is not very feisty, so we don't think that she is likely to scare the crap out of Bailey. All in all, she seems like a good fit for all of us. 

Here are pictures of her:

These pictures do not do her justice. She is VERY cute. She took a few minutes to get used to us, but she loves sitting in laps. She was walking around on us trying to get comfortable, rolling around so we could rub her belly, and she purrs constantly. She sounds like a little motorboat. 

We put a deposit on her and we'll pick her up on January 17th! We went out to the petstore and we got her a few things. PURPLE collar, PURPLE food dishes, a catnip stuffed lamb, and some PINK toys. I'm so happy to have a girl pet! Now we just need to work on some names...