Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is coming to you as live as it can be from my crappy half cubicle! Ash and I tried out being hermits this past weekend and realized it's not for us. So no pictures this week. This weekend we plan on going to the movies to see Pineapple Express and Stepbrothers. We are also going canoe-ing on the lake with Zorro. Hilarious pictures are guaranteed to ensue.

As for me, law school starts in under a month and I am beginning to wonder why Ash and I didn't just run off somewhere or just slept for a year before doing all this craziness. I guess it's ok though because I cannot imagine working like this for more than the 3 months I'm doing it. In any case, I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your lives. See you in about 4 and a half months! I expect gifts!


jessica said...

Don't we all wish we could just pack up and go at least your both there and your not having to read cool adventures of your partner while you do nothing special. Well enough bitching i can not wait to see how zorro does in the canoe i took echo swimming and she loved it. By the way i think you should video tape the movies and post um so i can watch them without having to pay good idea right. Well have fun in you cubical

Traveling Nick said...

I am going to be optimistic here and say "It will be worth it when its over". If you choose the pessimistic approach to school your child (Zorro) may go hungry and you may wind up with a black eye from Ashley, so Go Badgers.

Jimmy and Ashley said...

Jimmy, you should listen to Nick. Especially about the black eye part.
