Monday, August 15, 2011


Today I'd like to introduce the newest member of our family. Her name is Gobi and she is a leopard gecko! She's awesome! I am fighting the urge to hold her, but I should probably let her get acclimated to her new home for a couple weeks first.

The first thing we saw her do at the pet store was devour a couple of crickets. She struck so fast, those crickets didn't stand a chance. I asked the worker if I could hold her, but I was a bit nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect. My reptile handling experience is limited. And by limited, I mean that I'm fairly sure that was the first time I've ever held a reptile that wasn't a turtle.

Will I drop her? Will I crush her little tiny bones with my clumsy hands? What will it feel like if she bites me? WHAT IF SHE HATES ME?!??! At the pet store she was friendly; she sat in my hand for a bit and then decided to crawl up my shirt to sit on my collarbone. I loved her instantly. Jimmy did too. He admitted it.

One of the workers was really awesome and owns a couple of geckos himself. He showed us everything that we'd need to take care of her. Then we went home and did a lot of research online on leopard gecko care. This morning, we were ready to go for it. We went to the pet store, bought all of the stuff for the terrarium, came home, put it together, made sure the temperature was ok, then went back to the pet store to get Gobi.

She seems to like her new home! The cat is obsessed with watching her and meowing at her. Gobi actually seems to enjoy the cat too. Watching a cat and a gecko stare at each other is a lot more entertaining than it sounds.

Gobi Anderson

High five!

"I'm chillin' on my cactus y'all!"